Opencart Vehicle Parts Finder - Make Model Year
- created: 3 September 2018
- latest update: 25 March 2018
- by: John Rambo
- email:
Thank you for purchasing my plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!
“Opencart Vehicle Filter Module” is best module for vehicle or vehicle parts website and admin can use it for make model year or year make model. We can show filter module anywhere like as opencart default module(left,right,top,bottom). Admin can add make, model and year from backhand and also add each product multiple make, model and year combination with faster way. We have horizontal and vertical responsive layout.It is compatible with opencart, 1.5.4,,, 1.5.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and
- Customer can find product using make model year.
- Customer can rememeber his previouse parts history.
- Admin can easilly assign make model year with any product.
- Module settings page available.
- Multiple language system like opencart.
- Import and Export module so admin can easily import via csv file and auto assing with product also.
- Faster search.
- Full support.
Install Process for Opencart or higher
- After unzip folder install module ( via opencart module installer
- After successfully install copy admin and catalog folder from AFTER_INSTALL_PASTE_ROOT folder and paste your website root directory
- Now go to admin modules list and configure Auto parts filter module
- Now go to admin user permission page and allow make/make , model/model, year/year, mmyimport/mmyimport for both section Access Permission and Modify Permission.
- Now set make model year and assing it with any product from product entry page.
- You will get more help from our import and export page.
- Done and Enjoy
N.B: For below opencart version you need to use VQMOD solution or contact with us using this email for installtion.

Admin Make/Model/Year Menu Key Points
- Admin can manage make from here.
- Admin can manage model from here.
- Admin can manage year from here.
- Admin can manage import/export from here.

Admin Make List Key Points
- Admin can add unlimited make list.
- Admin can delete all using one shot.
- Quick add, update and delete interface.
- Make list pagination.

Admin Model List Key Points
- Admin can add unlimited model list.
- Admin can delete all using one shot.
- Quick add, update and delete interface.
- Model list pagination.

Admin Year List Key Points
- Admin can add unlimited year list.
- Admin can delete all using one shot.
- Quick add, update and delete interface.
- Year list pagination.

Admin Import/Export Key Points
- Admin can import data from csv file (download our sample csv file).
- Admin can import sql file directly if admin buy our make model year database.
- Admin can add product_id into csv file when he will import data from csv and it will auto assign with product also.
- Admin can export all data csv format.
- Admin can delete all data using one shot.

Admin Assing Make/Model/Year Key Points
- Admin can import data from csv file (download our sample csv file).
- Admin can import sql file directly if admin buy our make model year database.
- Admin can add product_id into csv file when he will import data from csv and it will auto assign with product also.
- Admin can export all data csv format.
- Admin can delete all data using one shot.

Admin Module Settings Page Key Points
- Admin adjust color.
- Admin can enable or disable remember option.
- Admin can enable or disable required option.
- Admin can enable or disable left text.
- Admin can enable or disable product details page tab.
- Admin can enable or disable plugin from here.

Horizontal Filter Box Key Point
- User can filter make model year data.
- Faster filter.

Horizontal Remember Me Box Key Point
- User can check previouse data.
- User can reset or search previouse data.

Vertical Filter Box Key Point
- User can filter make model year data.
- Faster filter.

Vertical Filter Remember Box Key Point
- User can filter make model year data.
- Faster filter.

Filter Result Page Key Point
- User can see filter matched products.

Product Page Parts Tab Key Point
- User can see product make model year match data before buy.
"Opencart Vehicle Parts Finder" if you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email us. Thank you so much!