“Woocommerce Category Accordion Plugin” Documentation by “John Rambo” v1.0
“Woocommerce Category Accordion Plugin”
Thank you for purchasing my plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Plugin Features
- ShortCode Parameter
- Front End Samples
- Widget Options
A) Installation - top
- Download and Unzip the plugin.
- Upload the plugins file to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
- Activate the plugin from “Plugins” menu of Wordpress Dashboard.
- Now you can active it using widget( Woocommerce Category Dock ) or Shortcode([accordion-category-list]).
- Done And Enjoy
B) Plugin Features - top
- Admin Can design his own category box for widget or shortcode
- Hide empty product from category list.
- Admin can use his own theme style also
- Admin can hide product count also
- Event and Hover Effect
- Fast and Slow Animation effect
- shortcode [accordion-category-list]
- Support Ready
C) ShortCode Parameter - top
- title -> set your box top title ex: title = 'Category'
- box_style -> if box_style = '1' then show our plugin box else it will show default
- show_title -> if show_title = '1' then show top title if '0' then hide top title
- fontsize -> set category font size example: fontsize = '14'
- showcount -> if showcount = '1' then show product count if '0' then hide product count
- hideempty -> if hideempty = '1' then hide empty product category if '0' then show all
- textuppercase -> if textuppercase = 'uppercase' then show all text uppercase if 'normal' then show normal style
- eventtype -> if eventtype = 'hover' then category will be down after focus on mouse if 'click' then it will collapse by mouse click
- speed -> if speed = 'fast' then collapse will be fast if 'slow' then it will slow
- autoexpand -> if autoexpand = '1' then when customer visit any category page then accordion will be auto open that category else '0'
- topcolor -> set your gradient top color example topcolor = '000000'
- bottomcolor -> set your gradient top color example bottomcolor = 'ffffff'
- boxbgcolor -> set your box border color ex: boxbgcolor = 'ffffff'
- titletextcolor -> set your box Top Title text color ex: titletextcolor = 'ffffff'
- cattextcolor -> set your category text color ex: cattextcolor = 'ffffff'
- countcolor -> set your product count text color ex: countcolor = 'ffffff'
- bbcolor -> set your box background color ex: bbcolor = '000000'
- cbcolor -> set your category bottom border color ex: cbcolor = '000000'
- childborder -> if childborder = '1' then show child border if '0' then hide child border
- textbold -> if textbold = 'bold' then all category text will be bold if 'normal' then show default
- autoclose -> if autoclose = '1' then collapse will be close when click other category if '0' then callapse will be always open
D) Front End Samples - top
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this module. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this module. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the module on CodeCanyon, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.
John Rambo
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